6 Tips On How To Save Money While Working From Home

Are you working from home? Six winning strategies that can help you boost your saving account.

Simona K.
10 min readSep 19, 2020
Photo by Micheile Henderson, Source: Unsplash

A year ago, the option to work from home permanently seemed like a dream that would never come true to many of us. Fast forward to post Covid-19 world, working from home has become a reality for most of the working population with other lifestyle changes, such as wearing masks in public or sanitizing our hands more often.

What are the pros of the home office? When asked about the benefits of working from home, most people mention autonomy, flexibility and comfort as the main perks. Money saving benefits are often overlooked as people don’t realize that working from home is a perfect opportunity to boost their savings account. According to a study from FlexJobs, an online job service that specializes in flexible jobs, remote workers typically save about $4,000 a year by working from home.

Despite adding a few lines to the budget that might not have been there previously, it seems that the pros always beat the cons. Saving on commuting costs as well as coffee, lunches and a professional wardrobe should be able to save four-figures annually, even with the expenses that came with working from home.



Simona K.

Passionate about zero waste living on budget and personal finance.