4 Basic Staple Foods That Will Save You Money

Get creative with these versatile and affordable foods from your pantry

Simona K.
5 min readSep 6, 2021
Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash

For a long time, I had followed a pattern of wasteful grocery shopping by filling my fridge from the bottom to the top and wasting a lot of money on my food. Somehow, with my stocked fridge, I still ended up having takeout or eating out more often than I would like. As a result, I would throw away half of the food in my fridge a couple of weeks later because it went bad.

Why didn’t I cook the food I bought on my grocery shopping sprees?

I was working long hours and just wanted to cook something easy and healthy. I always went grocery shopping with good intentions that I would do the meal prep for the whole week and use every item that I bought. And then, my good intentions were dismissed by the convenience factor. I felt lazy or found something better to do than slave away in the kitchen cooking. I thought it was a non-breakable cycle until a couple of years ago when I realized I had to change my grocery shopping pattern. So I started experimenting with eating out every day, which turned out to be more expensive than throwing away expired food to spending hours in the kitchen on my meal prep. None of it worked out long term, and I wondered if it was possible to have a full-time job and still have…



Simona K.

Passionate about zero waste living on budget and personal finance.