How I survived my first day as a vegetarian

Simona K.
2 min readJan 2, 2021

A short story how to overcome a mild hangover, create uninspiring meals and stick to your New Year’s resolution.

Image by silviarita from Pixabay

January 1. I woke up with a mild hangover realizing that it was finally 2021. I stayed in my bed, cuddling my pillow and thinking of my favourite hangover cure — eggs & bacon. Then it hit me. I’m a vegetarian now. My New Year’s resolution to stop eating meat was in effect since midnight, and that meant no more bacon for me. As soon as I was ready to leave the comfort of my warm bed and face the harsh reality of my empty fridge, I realized that my transition into vegetarianism would not be without any bumps on the road. My stomach made an annoying sound, signaling that it was time to feed it. “Ok, don’t panic and think,” I mumbled to myself. I didn’t feel super excited about having a take-out in the morning, so I decided to calm things down with a cup of coffee while considering my options. Sipping my favourite hot beverage and mindlessly scrolling down my Instagram feed, one of the photos caught my attention. It featured a deliciously looking almond croissant, and the good news was that the published picture was on the Instagram account of my favourite coffee shop right around the corner. And it was open! I put my sweats on and ran to the coffee shop to get my very first breakfast this year as an official vegetarian. Crisis averted.



Simona K.

Passionate about zero waste living on budget and personal finance.