Is LinkedIn the new Facebook?

Simona K.
2 min readNov 10, 2021

And not in a good way.

Photo by Cyrus Chew on Unsplash

Yesterday, I logged into my LinkedIn account and started scrolling through my feed. I expected to see business articles, industry news and insights, my connections sharing their career updates, job postings and so on. Well, I was in for a surprise — my feed was full of baby and cat pictures, people posting about their recent health diagnoses, and some of my connections shared what they had for lunch.

Wait, what? I had to double-check if I logged in to LinkedIn, not Facebook. That was not what I wanted to see while scrolling through the feed and looking for somewhat educational content related to my professional interests. Based on a quick Google search, LinkedIn launched in 2003 as a platform dedicated to professional networking, career development and hiring opportunities where professionals connect, share, and learn. Nowadays, LinkedIn is the largest professional network on the internet, like Facebook, but for your career.

So there it is — it is LIKE Facebook, but it is NOT Facebook. It seems that recently people have been failing to understand this seemingly minor distinction. Do not take me wrong, I am all on board when others want to share their joyous news and life events, like when their kitten used the cat toilet for the first time. What I don’t understand is the reason behind sharing this type of content with…



Simona K.

Passionate about zero waste living on budget and personal finance.